GHLS Hydrostatic Boiler Testing Equipment – Connections to the Boiler
The GHLS boiler testing equipment has a Swagelok union nut and ferrule for ¼” diameter tube attached to the end of the flexible hose for connecting the pump to the boiler. To connect the boiler to the Swagelok union nut, one of the following connections can be fastened:
1. A Swagelok male connection for 1/4” diameter tube (7/16” x 20 t.p.i. thread) to which the Swagelok union nut on the flexible hose can be fastened.
2. A ¼” N.T.P. female thread
3. A ¼” diameter copper pipe with a nut and ferrule attached
4. A ¼” diameter copper pipe male connection
For connections 2, 3 and 4 an adapter is available to connect with the Swagelok union nut on the end of the flexible hose.
This is also available in a down loadable PDF for printing -> Boiler Testing Connection Guide
Thanks to Fred Eagle for preparing this guideline!